CX Spotlight - MDR Dynamic Slug Merge

Have an application that needs to merge product flow or looking to replace an existing application with something more flow and energy efficient?  Trew’s Motor Driven Roller (MDR) Dynamic Slug Merge combines smart logic with the Series 1500 MDR built-in features to deliver a dynamically adjusting solution ideal for the 40 - 70 CPM throughput.



Our Customer Experience was challenged to address operational challenges and created the MDR Dynamic Slug Merge.


The original merge solution used aging accumulation technology feeding traditional live roller powered conveyor.


The system was having difficulty adjusting to the changes in products to be handled, experiencing frequent side-by-sides and jams reducing the throughput the system could achieve.

Trew's Customer Experience team upgraded the customers' application, replacing the aging technology with the MDR Dynamic Slug Merge.


The merge consists of Series 1500 MDR Conveyor and control logic that uses the built-in conveyor photoeyes to optimize merge releases.

The customer has seen a marked improvement in operations with the near elimination of jams and side-by-sides giving operations back nearly an hour of runtime per day.



The Series 1500 MDR Dynamic Slug Merge provides:

  • 40 - 70 CPM Throughput
  • Run-on-Demand Energy Efficient Motor Driven Roller Design
  • Intelligent Lane Balancing
  • Flow Efficient Dynamic Lane Releases Based on Available Product
  • High Density, Gentle Zone Accumulation
  • Gentle Handling that Reduces Side-by-Sides
  • Accumulation Zone Visibility
  • Quiet Operation
  • Operator & Maintenance Friendly Features


What's Series 1500 MDR?  Series 1500 features Motor Driven Roller (MDR) technology, the fastest growing conveyor technology since the advent of the line-shaft conveyor in the late '60s.  Our product line has the largest number of standard modules in the industry, allowing them to be mixed and matched to deliver a system tailored to a solutions need.

  • Less Power – uses 30-50% less energy vs. conventional conveyor
  • Quiet – run on demand technology with low noise
  • Modular Conveyor Line – flexible solutions and layouts using a wide range of standard modules


Let's Talk
Have an application where the MDR Dynamic Slug Merges may be a good fit or an application you need help with? Fill out the form below and let's talk!