2020 — what a year! 2020 may have thrown us curve balls, and we addressed them the best we could. If you're like most distribution and manufacturing professionals, your plans for 2020 took a quick revision around February, and you've needed to stay fluid ever since then.
Now that we're well into 2021, most operations are looking for ideas to maximize current resources, and TREW has a few budget-friendly items for you to consider:

- Training: Train your staff on troubleshooting, repair and maintenance for your system - this will keep unexpected downtime to a minimum or avoided altogether. Safety training is always a worthwhile investment to keep staff aware of hazards and how to interact properly with MHE.
- Additional Accumulation: TREW can provide alternative layouts and hardware to allow for additional accumulation to reduce production bottlenecks, keep products moving and workers productive. With MDR, accumulation can now be added in areas where traditional accumulation could not be applied, such as in inclines and on spirals.
- Updating/Adding Scanning & Dimensioning Technology: If your read-rate is low or declining, it may be time to upgrade to the latest camera scanners. Adding five-sided scanning will capture toppled cartons, allowing cartons to sort on the first pass. Adding dimensioners help detect side-by-side cartons and are built into today’s higher yield camera systems.
- Adding System Graphics To HMIs: Eliminate language barriers and ensure easy understanding of system diagnostics to pinpoint and address issues quickly.
- Audit Your Parts Cage: Downtime is expensive. Having the right spares onsite if a component were to fail ensures that downtime is kept to a minimum.
- Outsource Quarterly Maintenance: Have TREW field service come in to provide hands-on training of maintenance activities or completely offload them to our team so your technicians can focus on day-to-day activities.