Benefits of ASi Protocol


ASi (AS-Interface) is a world-wide standard for industrial IO networking1,2, specially designed for connecting devices like motors, actuators, and sensors. It is often used as a companion network for high-level complex remote IO networks like EtherNet/IP and Profibus as ASi provides easier, more efficient and flexible IO control.


The network is an “open” technology supported by multiple automation equipment vendors and is easily recognizable with its flexible and simple to install yellow flat network cable. The cable uses insulation displacement technology that IO devices “clamp” to for a reliable connection that can even be used in harsher environments.


ASi Control Callouts


ASi provides many benefits when compared to other networks, with conveyor systems and the linear nature of the network reduces the cost of connecting IO. When used for MDR control, ASi can run up to 650 feet on 1 ethernet node (ASi Gateway) compared to Ethernet/IP MDR conveyor modules that run up to 6 feet on 1 ethernet node, reducing the size of the PLC processor required to program the conveyor.


ASi also offers several other distinct benefits: 

  1. Simplicity and ease of installation: ASi's two-wire daisy-chain topology simplifies wiring and reduces installation complexity, saving time and effort.

  2. Scalability: Easy expansion and integration of additional devices without major reconfigurations.

  3. Easy configuration and commissioning: ASi's plug-and-play nature simplifies system setup, reducing commissioning time.

  4. Cost-effectiveness: Reduced wiring and simpler setup lower overall installation costs compared to more complex protocols.

  5. Robustness: ASi networks can withstand harsh industrial environments, ensuring reliable operation.

  6. Interoperability: ASi is an open standard, ensuring compatibility between devices from different manufacturers.

  7. Real-time communication: ASi allows for fast and reliable real-time data transmission, crucial for precise control of conveyor operations.

  8. Support for various devices: ASi is compatible with a wide range of sensors, actuators, and devices, providing flexibility in system design.

  9. Enhanced diagnostic capabilities: Built-in diagnostic functions allow real-time monitoring of device status, aiding in proactive maintenance.

  10. Reduced downtime: Quick identification of issues and ease of troubleshooting lead to minimized downtime.

  11. Safety integration: ASi-Safe allows seamless integration of safety devices into the ASi network, enhancing overall system safety.

  12. Decentralized control: Distributing intelligence across the network leads to improved system responsiveness and flexibility.

  13. High data throughput: ASi supports cyclic data updates, allowing fast and efficient data exchange between devices.

  14. Energy efficiency: Low power consumption of ASi devices contributes to energy-efficient conveyor systems.

  15. Redundancy support: ASi networks can be configured with redundant paths, increasing system reliability.


While ASi has many advantages, the choice of the communication protocol depends on specific requirements, the complexity of the conveyor system, and the available devices. Other communication protocols used in conveyor systems, such as Profibus, Profinet, Modbus, and Ethernet/IP, may offer different features and benefits, making them suitable for certain applications or industries. The selection of the best protocol will ultimately depend on the unique needs of the conveyor system and the overall automation architecture.



2. IEC 62026-2 = AS-Interface international standard


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