Benefits of All-Electric MDR Conveyor

Motor Driven Roller (MDR) technology is the fastest-growing conveyor technology since the advent of the line-shaft conveyor in the late '60s due to its adaptability and versatility in solving applications. It is used in a wide range of industries such as ecommerce fulfillment, parcel handling, automated packaging lines, and more.



Trew’s MDR approach uses standard conveyor modules connected together to form a system. The modules are assembled and wired in the factory and ready for quick installation at site. The design is all-electric using 24 VDC on conveyor power. Connect the modules together, connect the system to power and it is ready to convey products. 


All-Electric MDR Modular Approach Benefits

  1. Energy efficiency:  MDR systems are more energy-efficient than traditional conveyor systems because they only power the rollers when needed. In traditional systems, the entire conveyor belt runs continuously, regardless of whether there are products to transport. MDR technology enables "zero pressure accumulation," where the rollers only activate when a package or item is present, reducing energy consumption significantly.

  2. Reduced maintenance costs:  MDR systems typically have fewer moving parts than traditional conveyor systems, reducing maintenance requirements. Traditional conveyor typically has motors, belts, chains, and other components that require regular inspection, lubrication, and replacement. MDR systems have integrated motorized rollers connected to adjacent gravity rollers that require very little maintenance which leads to cost savings over time.

  3. Increased flexibility and modularity:  An all MDR electric solution offers increased conveyor layout and design flexibility. Since each motorized roller can operate independently, it allows for more modular setups and simplified changes to the conveyor configuration. This flexibility makes it easier to adapt the conveyor system to changing production needs and different warehouse layouts.

  4. Precise control and tracking:  MDR technology allows for better control and tracking of products on the conveyor. With individual motorized rollers, it becomes easier to control the speed and movement of each item accurately. This precision helps in preventing product damage and enhances sorting and merging capabilities.

  5. Noise reduction:  MDR systems tend to be quieter than traditional conveyors since they only generate noise when actively moving products. In contrast, traditional conveyors with continuously running belts and motors can create a constant background noise in the facility.

  6. Safety improvements:  MDR systems offer improved safety features due to their ability to start and stop precisely. In traditional conveyor systems, sudden stops or malfunctions can lead to product jams or potential hazards for workers. MDR technology can reduce the risk of such incidents and improve overall workplace safety.

  7. Lower total cost of ownership:  Despite potentially higher initial investment costs, an all MDR electric solution can provide a lower total cost of ownership over the conveyor system's lifetime. The energy savings, reduced maintenance needs, and increased operational efficiency can outweigh the upfront cost differences.


While All-Electric MDR has many advantages, the choice of conveyor depends on specific requirements and the complexity of the system. Whether a system made from the 20+ standard MDR modules or includes conventional conveyor, Trew’s conveyor system approach can help. Our systems feature common rail profiles and accessories designed for seamless integration with a polished finish.


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